Coping with Trials and Changes in a Car

Not too long ago, I was given the fantastic blessing of staying with a local woman in her apartment for a few days. I'm sure she felt a little slighted when I chose to leave a day earlier than planned after a couple of unexpected trials hit my plate.

All of MEs on the Road

This last month has been one of the biggest challenges for me since my diagnosis. I will admit I did not behave perfectly, but I know I did my level best. Going through a divorce  for a marriage I was wishing never happened was only one small component in my January excitement. The car that... Continue Reading →

My Littles are Screaming

The little people inside my head are screaming. Uncontrollably. They don't like change. I am not sure how many there are, but there seem to be at least 4 under the age of 6. Personalities that are still little. That don't understand why the body is so huge and clumsy. They tend to walk the... Continue Reading →

The Look

If you have ever told anyone you have a mental illness, you probably know "the look." It happened to me yesterday, where I volunteer. The lady who gave it is a sweet and kind soul and probably had no clue it was even on her face. But it was. She gave me "the look." I'm... Continue Reading →

Triggers – Can I Control Them?

Topics can come up a radio show that just by the drop of ONE word… my day is ruined: a trigger has happened.

What are “triggers?” They are those situations, internal or external that cause a reaction. Usually a swift one.

Solitude – Being Alone With All of MEs

Alone is not very... Being a “multiple,” that is, a person with more than one personality, is less boring than being a “mono” (normal person, or at least a person who only developed one personality) according to my therapist. Sometimes I wonder if he admires those of us with many voices in our heads. Laughing.... Continue Reading →

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